
Launch of Galaxy oNline in beta mode - IV Q 2019.

  • Launching Galaxy Online

    30.11.2019 – Game Galaxy Online launched in beta mode
  • Launch of the Galaxy Academy

    16.12.2019 - A special training Academy for new players has been launched. A player must finish it to get into the open world of the game.

Report for 2019 -

STAGE 1. Game Development. Phase 1.1 - I Q1 2020

  • Launch of the in-game market

    06.01.2020 – The in-game market for trading between players for game assets ​​and tokens has been successfully launched launched.
  • The 1st Galactic Council

    11.01.2020 – The first offline meeting with the heads of gaming corporations called “The 1st Galactic Council” took place in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The meeting was held for 2 days and the main points of the Roadmap were determined at it..
  • Launching the test server

    05.02.2020 – A separate test server launched was successfully launched to test and debug new functionality before transferring it to the live game server. Testing is carried out by the team and active players.
  • Introducing Points

    20.02.2020 – Points and levels have been successfully introduced Points into the game. Revised player limits on the number of planets depending on the Points and planetary buildings.
  • Game mechanics update

    22.02.2020 – The game has been successfully updated to version 1.0.21 beta. Significant improvements have been made to the game mechanics.
  • Game guides update

    26.02.2020 – The game guides have been successfully updated to the current state
  • Game economy update

    19.03.2020 - The game has been successfully updated to version 1.1.01 beta. Significant improvements have been made to the game mechanics.

Report for 2020 -

STAGE 2. Game Development. Phase 1.2 - II Q1 2020

  • Introducing Space Stations

    01.04.2020 – The game has been successfully updated to version 1.1.03 beta. Have been introduced Space Stations for mineral processing, module production and trade
  • Introducing Blueprints and Modules

    14.05.2020 - The game has been successfully updated to version 1.1.04 beta. The studying of blueprints by the heads of corporations and the production of modules at Space Stations were introduced. Sale of modules was added to the in-game market.
  • Videos about the game

Report for 2020 -

STAGE 3. Game Development. Phase 1.3 - III Q1 2020

  • Game graphics update

    Introduction of new backgrounds for planets based on programmatically generated planetary surfaces. New animated graphics of planetary buildings.
  • Introducing Automation, Blockade and Missiles

    25.08.2020 - The game has been successfully updated to version 1.1.05 beta.

    New in this version:

    1. Automation of routine gaming processes, including automatic delivery of minerals mined on planets to Space Stations.
    2. Blockade – Blockade is a separate siege attack mode in addition to the current modes: intelligence, counterintelligence, attack, counterattack, occupation.
    3. Missiles, which are fired at the attacking enemy automatically.
  • Changing the address of the game website to

    24.09.2020 – The game has been successfully transferred from the old domain to the new domain A completely new design of the game website has also been created and implemented.

Report for 2020 -

STAGE 4. Game Development. Phase 1.4 - IV Q1 2020

  • Launching a Telegram chat and news channel in English

    07.10.2020 – Separate resources were launched ( chat and news channel for the English-speaking audience
  • Introducing a new playable race Tron

    13.10.2020 – A new launched (EN) playable race Tron
  • Game balancing and expanding the functionality of planetary buildings

    07.11.2020 - The game has been successfully updated to version 1.3.01 beta. Game balancing of production and planetary buildings has been introduced. Additional functionality has been added to planetary buildings.
  • Introducing a new playable race Everscale

    07.11.2020 – Based on the partnership document with the Everscale blockchain launched (EN) a new playable race and base galaxy, Everscale, have been created and launched.
  • Update of the game economy and in-game market

    20.11.2020 – A major update to the game economy and the Galactic Market
  • Introducing Clans

    02.12.2020 – Points and levels have been successfully introduced (EN) Clans.
  • Introducing Game Quests

    21.12.2020 – The game Quests with daily prizes in game assets ​​and tokens have been successfully introduced (EN) in game.
  • Official videos

    24.12.2020 - Official game videos have been re-released in Russian and English .

Report for 2020 -

STAGE 5. Game Development. Phase 2.1 - I Q 2021.

  • Introducing a new playable race Long

    01.02.2021– Based on the partnership document (EN) the partnership document with the Long blockchain launched (EN) a new playable race and base galaxy, Long, have been created and launched.
  • Launching Arena

    09.03.2021 – A new launched (EN) separate game Arena (EN) for quick team battles.
  • Launching Tavern with mini-games

    16.03.2021 – A new launched (EN) Tavern (a separate game zone) was launched with 3 PvP mini-games: Space Battle, Duel and Arena.

Report for 2021 -

STAGE 6. Game Development. Phase 2.2 - II Q 2021.

  • Introducing a new playable race NEAR

    09.04.2021 – Partnership (EN) with the NEAR blockchain: connecting the NEAR blockchain to the game and creating the corresponding playable race and base galaxy. Registration and authorization added as well.
  • Merchant connection

    22.04.2021 – Partnership (EN) with the Coins.Black crypto-broker and connecting the merchant to the game.
  • Introducing pre-sales of NFTs

    30.04.2021 – A new launched (EN) separate page for pre-sales of future in-game NFT Artifacts and Commanders

    27-28.05.2021 – Pre-sale of NFT Space Stations is planned to be launched.

  • Creation and launch of Tournaments for the Cybersports program

    Tournaments are a special game mechanic based on Arenas as part of the Cybersports program.

    07.05.2021 – The first tournament took place (EN) with a prize pool of more than 4 000 USDT.

Report for 2021 -

STAGE 7. Game Development. Phase 2.3 - III Q 2021.

  • Rebalance of ships and introduction of new types of ships

    08.07.2021 – The game has been successfully updated (EN).
  • Galaxy Academy Update

    15.07.2021 – The Academy has been successfully updated (EN).
  • Introducing a new playable race DecimalChain

    21.07.2021 – Partnership (EN) with the DecimalChain blockchain: connecting the DecimalChain blockchain to the game and creating the corresponding playable race and base galaxy. Registration and authorization added as well.
  • Unification of all galaxies into a single open world

    07.09.2021 – The game has been successfully updated (EN).
  • Test introduction of NFTs into the gameplay

    19.10.2021 – The launch of NFT Space Stations on NEAR has been successful. (EN).

Report for 2021 -

STAGE 8. Game Development. Phase 2.4 - IV Q 2021.

  • Voting for members of the gaming community to create a DAO

    24.09.2021 – Creating the DAO: selection of candidates (EN).

    07.10.2021 – Creating the DAO: voting results.

    28.10.2021 – Activity DAO: voting for the launch of the game token..
  • Tavern update: the option to play for any tokens of blockchains connected to the game

    21.10.2021 – The Tavern update has been successfully implemented (EN).
  • NFT Space Stations in the game

    19.10.2021 - Full implementation NFT Space Stations into the game.
  • Introducing NFT planet skins

    02.12.2021 - Launch of NFT planet skin trading on the PARAS marketplace.
  • Publishing the main concepts of the game

    18.11.2021 - The main concepts for the game have been published..

Report for 2021 -

STAGE 9. Game Development. Phase 2.5 - I-II Q 2022.

  • Full introduction of NFT Artifacts into the gameplay

    Creating NFT Artifact builder
    Forging of Artifacts allows players to merge NFT artifacts to increase their rarity, change their properties and bonuses, and also reduce energy consumption!
    10.05.2022 - Launch of NFT Artifact Forging, which allows increasing the rarity of Artifacts by merging them.

    26.05.2022 - New modes for NFT Artifact Forging have been introduced.

  • Connecting the Aurora blockchain

    26.01.2022 - Partnership with the Aurora blockchain.

    28.01.2022 - Launch of a new playable race — Aurora.

  • Website redesign

    11.03.2022 - Запуск нового сайта игры game site with a modern design.
  • Launching the game Wiki

    11.03.2022 - Launch of the game Wiki in Russian -
  • Referral system

    04.04.2022 - Launch Launch of a new 2-level referral system for players.
  • Launch of the Seasons mode

    06.04.2022 - Introducing a new mode - Bombing.

    08.04.2022 - Introducing regeneration of buildings.

    09.04.2022 - Introducing the system of planetary Domes.

    10.04.2022 - Introducing a new planetary interface.

    12.04.2022 - Successful launch of the 1st Season.

    02.05.2022 - Successful launch of the 2nd Season.

Report for 2022 -

STAGE 10. Game Development. Phase 2.6 - III-IV Q 2022.

  • Launch of the updated Arena

  • Launch of the updated PvP mini-games

  • Full translation of the game, website and game Wiki into English

  • High-quality marketing

  • Creation of NFT skins for stars

  • Introduction of Guilds

    Guilds are special associations of players created for joint performance of game tasks.
  • Creation of NFT sectors

  • New training system

  • Introduction of basic motherships

  • New premium graphics

  • Launch of the game NFT Marketplace

  • Tokenomics and preparation for IDO

Report for 2022 -

STAGE 11. Game Development. Phase 2.7 - I-IV Q 2023.

  • Launching the game token and holding an IDO

  • Introduction of game Achievements with different levels and bonuses

  • Extending the functionality of Clans, Guilds and Corporations

  • Introduction of alliances

  • Extended functionality for motherships

  • Connecting more blockchains

  • Launch of the game token Exchange

  • Moving the project from beta stage to production

  • Active promotion of the project among gamers

  • Launch of the Metaverse functionality

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Binding (linking) telegram bot notifications

Binding (linking) instructions:

  1. Find a bot with a name in telegram @BotFather
  2. Write him /start
  3. Write him /newbot
  4. Write him bot name (For example "Notifications from the galaxy")(This can be changed)
  5. Write him the bot ID. English + must end with a word bot. For example MyGalaxyNotificatorBot
  6. If everything went well, you will receive a response from the bot containing the bot token. It looks something like this: 123456789:AAAa_aaaaaaaaa12aaaaaaaaa.
  7. Find a bot through the search. In this case, we are looking for MyGalaxyNotificatorBot or "Notifications from the galaxy"
  8. We send him /start. This is required to allow the bot to send you private messages.
  9. Copy the token received in the 6th step and paste it into the field above.

If everything went well, the bot will write you a message, and this window will close automatically.

balance top-up USDT TRC-20

Transfer any amount of USDT TRC-20 from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Please be careful, transactions for changing the password or topping up the balance that are sent from another address will not be processed.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up BNB BEP-20

Transfer any amount of BNB BEP-20 from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Будьте внимательны, транзакции для смены пароля или пополнения баланса отправленные с другого адреса не будут обработаны.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up USDT TRC-20

Transfer any amount of USDT TRC-20 from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Please be careful, transactions for changing the password or topping up the balance that are sent from another address will not be processed.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up EVER

Transfer any amount of EVER from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Please be careful, transactions for changing the password or topping up the balance that are sent from another address will not be processed.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up LONG

Transfer any amount of LONG from your wallet to

The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up NEAR

Transfer any amount of NEAR from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Transfer any amount of Aurora from your wallet to

Open Near wallet with the pre-entered wallet address.Then select the AURORA token AURORA.

The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

balance top-up

Transfer any amount of from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Please be careful, transactions for changing the password or topping up the balance that are sent from another address will not be processed.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Transfer any amount of PARAS from your wallet to

Open Near wallet with the pre-entered wallet address.Then select the AURORA token PARAS.

The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

balance top-up

Transfer any amount of from your wallet to


Или пополните баланс с вашего кошелька TonKeeper

The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Будьте внимательны, отправленные с другого адреса, не будут обработаны.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up

Transfer any amount of from your wallet to


Или пополните баланс с вашего кошелька TonKeeper

The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Будьте внимательны, транзакции, отправленные с другого адреса, не будут обработаны.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal BIP

Funds available: 0 BIP
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

You can buy BIP in the store or top up your wallet.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal TRX

Funds available: 0 TRX
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

You can buy TRX in the store or top up your wallet.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal USDT TRC-20

Funds available: 0 USDT TRC-20
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

IMPORTANT! Withdrawal requires 10 TRX to pay the transaction fee. After the withdrawal, the remainder will be returned to your balance within 5 minutes.

You can buy TRX in the store or top up your wallet.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal USDT TRC-20

Funds available: 0 USDT TRC-20.
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

Funds withdrawal EVER

Funds available: 0 EVER
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

IMPORTANT! You can withdraw EVER only to an activated Everscale wallet.

You can buy EVER in the store or top up your wallet.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal LONG

Funds available: 0 LONG
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

You can buy LONG in the store or top up your wallet.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal BNB

Funds available: 0 BNB
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal NEAR

Funds available: 0 NEAR
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal Aurora

Funds available: 0 Aurora
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes:

Funds withdrawal DEL

Funds available: 0 Del
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal Paras

Funds available: 0 PARAS
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes:

Funds withdrawal TON

Funds available: 0 TON
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes:

Внимание! Комиссия за вывод TON будет списана с вашего баланса.

Funds withdrawal GLX

Funds available: 0 GLX
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes:

Внимание! Комиссия за вывод GLX будет списана с вашего баланса TON.

Race: Минтер Галактик: 6 Планет и звезд: 28 847
Race: Трон Галактик: 4 Планет и звезд: 28 418
Race: Everscale Галактик: 3 Планет и звезд: 27 125


Log in with Telegram
Important! Регистрация/Авторизация происходит через Telegram API или NEAR ID в несколько кликов. Вы можете иметь несколько игровых аккаунтов (по одному в каждой расе), которые будут привязаны к вашему Telegram-аккаунту или NEAR ID.
Твинководство (более 1 аккаунта в одной расе) запрещено

Your game accounts

Race Username Galaxy  
Choose a race to start the game:

Войдите старым способом (под вашим кошельком Minter или Tron) и привяжите игровой аккаунт к телеграму.

Привязка отобразится сразу при входе Забыли пароль?

Регистрация аккаунта в новой Галактике


Отсканируй QR-код или перейди по ссылке, что бы оплатить через TonKeeper
Проверка оплаты

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